Towards the end of our time together, the boys were tired and ready to go buy their new toy. (yes, I bribed them to take pictures...I know, I know *hanging my head in shame*) So, I asked them to take just a few more pics for Aunt Mandy. I asked Tucker to put his arm around Tanner. Well, folks, that is where it took the dreaded turn.
See at first, all was pleasant and precious.

Then, Tucker realized that Tanner is his best "brudder" and wanted to show him how much he loved him. First it started with a little sweet, baby talk....
next, he decided to give his brother some sugars....

Finally, Tanner could take no more. After this last shot, we quickly threw back on our shoes and headed to the SUV. In fact, I do believe all three of us ran because Aunt Mandy knew she had pushed it too far!